Fallout new vegas suit
Fallout new vegas suit

fallout new vegas suit

Thought they are collectively the "Think Tank" ( a research or policy institute of (hopefully) relevant experts) the game dubs their form of a floating Brain in a Jar chassis as a "think tank".

fallout new vegas suit

They can man their science stations with some sort of monitor-focused interface, they are propelled by some unknown factor like the Eyebots, and they are capable of "sonjaculating" among other actions and functions. They can somehow grab and pass things to give the Courier supplies yet can't open doors or rip the Pip-Boy off the Courier's arm.

  • Bizarre Alien Biology: Their new forms have many odd traits for how they live in the Big MT.
  • Klein in particular - are the real instance of this trope in Old World Blues, and not Dr. As hilariously endearing as they are, he is not wrong to fear them.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Ulysses of all people fears the Think Tank.
  • Mobius believes in containing them by any means necessary.
  • Ax-Crazy: They enjoy ruthless and unethical experimentation, either due to them being unable to understand the dangers that they pose or because the experiments will result in destruction.
  • Since their experiments blew the entire top of the mountain off many years ago, those who come across it instead read it as the "Big Empty".

    fallout new vegas suit

    Artifact Title: The Big MT, their base of operations and research, meant "Big Mountain" due to being located inside of one.

    fallout new vegas suit

    Artistic License – Biology: As a whole, the group tend to hold rather bizarre perspectives on human anatomy, especially given Klein's belief that fingers and toes are penises.They will be the first group of people - for a given value of "people" - the Courier will meet after entering Big MT. That was a long time ago, and they have very much gone to seed as brains in jars. The pre-War head scientists of Big MT, who were among the finest scientific minds of their generation.

    Fallout new vegas suit